SUMMARY: HSZ40 - Controller: Reset possible?

From: Christian Wessely <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:54:19 +0100

Thanks to Chris Eckert and alan_at_nabeth for their replies.

Basically, the answer is: replace the device because there is other
information except the serial number that is lost and needs to be reset.
Rumor says that this _could_ be done in field (but the technican of our
contract partner did not know this routine anyway), but recommendation is
to consider the device dead.
Anyone here who needs a to-be-reset HSZ40 controller :o) ?

Thanx to all


Dr. Christian Wessely
PGP Public Keys deposed there
Received on Thu Nov 15 2001 - 07:52:53 NZDT

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