Setting up a separate tiny network I need to put a lpr-printer on-line
as well. The server is an alpha 255; DU 4.0 F (1229)
The printer is defined in /etc/hosts and configured to an ip number.
It's on-line (ping). It answers port 9100 - I don't know if there is
a lpd aboard on it.
I've tried to compile an entry for it in /etc/printcap *) but is only
able to place jobs in the spool queue:
>From turid.telle_at_admin.uio.no Mon Nov 19 15:36:47 2001
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:36:35 +0100
From: Turid Telle <turid.telle_at_admin.uio.no>
X-sender: telle_at_uio-pop.uio.no
To: kjell.andresen_at_usit.uio.no
hmsx|hmsx-lj|HP laserjet 4M PS:\
# network spooling requires a dummy file
# no max-size
# the one machine doing spooling - hoping the printer itself does!
# the printer - a network connected device
# suppress headers true
Does anybody got an example how to accomplish this?
It's especially the rm= and rp= -lines I need (I think)
lpc> status hmsx
printer is in device '/dev/lp' speed -1
queing is enables
printing is enabled
1 entry in spool area
no daemon present
How can I set the printer to ipaddr and
I may have forgotten something?
*) reading Nemeth & al: UNIX System Administration v2 and v3
Mvh Kjell Andresen, UiO/USIT/SAPP/BSD, Boks 1059 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 14:38:02 NZDT