Hi managers,
got two replies so far, that didn't hit the nail really. FYI I include the
replies as well so everybody is informed what has been tested so far.
Greg Freemyer wrote:
> I'm not expert on the Powerstorm, but I have a customer running a large graphical analysis
> package on one.
> >> Hi managers,
> >> The OS is Tru64 4.0f, pk6 (fresh updated).
> >> crashes
> >> immediately:
> >> Out of virtual memory: Cannot continue
> >> Serious internal error; cannot continue.
> My customer had a similar issue. I set the following via dxkernaltuner
> proc:
> max-per-proc-address-space = 4398046511104
> max-per-proc-data-size = 4398046511104
> per-proc-address-space = 4398046511104
> per-proc-data-size = 4398046511104
> The above values are the highest legal values you can set.
> At your option, you may put in lower ones.
> I think the per-proc values are the default for ulimit, and the max-per-proc ones are the max
> you can use ulimit to override to.
> Note that the above is an application tuning issue and has nothing to do with Open3D or the
> PowersStorm.
> >> 2. Is Open3D, V4.96 required to run the Powerstorm ? If, which parts
> >> should be
> >> installed,
> >> which not ? The license is installed !!
> Without Open3D the PowerStorm works, but it is really degraded from a graphics perspective.
> i.e. 640x480 16 color, or something like that. You definitely want the Open3D package
> installed.
> FYI: In Tru64 V5.x, you actually install the PowerStorm driver and it includes the Open3D
> kit. I don't remember how it works with the V4.x driver.
Joe Fletcher wrote:
> Hi,
> Loooooong time since I saw Pro/E on an Alpha. We used SDRC at my old shop
> too so apologies if I'm off the mark.
> Anyway, Suggest you reinstall O3D. I think since you removed it you are
> missing libraries that Pro/E expects to find.
> Cheers
> Joe
Since this is a serious problem for our development work, I fiddled with O3D and
PowerStorm drivers (driver kit) some more times.
So far I can give the following status regarding this issue:
Greg was somewhat right suggesting to increase kernel parameters. I used the
updated sys_check that came with patch kit 6. The output stated clearly to
increase those values along with others.
After that it took me three test to pin down more precisely, what happens to the
In the first test I deinstalled O3D and the PowerStrom driver completely.
Reinstalling only the driver kit brought up Pro/E again. Working with Pro/E it
seems that the problem has gone. After some work Pro/E crashes again with a
message stating that there is not enough mem. So I checked the system again with
sys_check. This showed up some more parameters to change. May be one should
recheck the system after it has been rebooted with new parameters to see if they
will cause some other errors on other subsystems, notably proc: and vm: are
tightly connected to each other.
After the reboot Pro/E seems to work. Regarding to the replies I reinstalled
Open3D after I installed the driver kit.
This lead to a frozen X server when Pro/E is started. The X server eats up the
CPU and does not allow anything to be displayed. The only thing that works is
the mouse pointer that can be moved across the screen (I assume, this done
somewhat in hardware or in kernel what would allow the pointer to be moved - but
the pointer shape is not updated, it remains in the last shape that was active
before Pro/E starts). telnet-ing to the workstation and killing the X server
brings back the dt login process and everything is in normal working condition.
I decided to deinstall O3D. This makes the X server not to know of opengl (Pro/E
was complaining that the current windowing environment can not be used in opengl
mode). I deinstalled the driver kit as well and again installed the driver kit.
This made Pro/E starting but if a model will be opened Pro/E aborts with:
Abort process
Nothing else ! The model complexity doesn't matter. Even little parts caused
Pro/E to crash!
After that I tried to installed O3D before the driver. But the driver will not
load, if O3D is installed.
Again I deinstalled O3D and the driver kit. This time I booted genvmunix prior
to the deinstallation. After rebooting genvmunix in single user mode, bcheckrc
and running update I installed the driver again. All the time there was no X
running. I left O3D uninstalled. Since the driver installation procedure could
not determine the kernel config file name I build a config file from scratch by
using doconfig without parameters.
Booting this new kernel brought Pro/E back to life. Because of this I was very
suspicious if Pro/E will work! Playing around I found, that Pro/E is crashing in
a reproducable way. If one creates new features while the model is displayed
shaded right at entering the sketcher mode Pro/E crashes with the following
exception system: exiting due to multiple internal errors:
exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
exception system: exiting due to multiple internal errors:
exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
Abort process
Prior to entering the sketcher mode Pro/E orients the model in a way, that the
model is presented in a view which may be used for sketching the feature. To
give the user some feedback, how Pro/E spins the model, the process is shown in
the display. Reaching the correct position Pro/E crashes.
If the model is not displayed shaded no crash happens!!
At first the seems to me to be an software problem from Pro/E. But now I'm very
confident, that this is O3D related. To do some more testing I used an somewhat
old AlphaStation 255/333 with a ZLXp-L1 3D hardware graphics card installed.
Using Pro/E on this old machine the crash did __not__!! happen, regardless which
display style is used.
To make things more clear I used Pro/E on the machine in question while setting
the graphics to x_windows (may be set in the config file before Pro/E is
invoked). Well, nothing happens to Pro/E. It doesn't crash even if the model is
displayed shaded.
Therefore I assume there is a serious error in the opengl implementation for the
PowerStorm !! since the old hardware (ZLXp-L1) works like a charm (despite it is
a bit slow).
At the end there are some questions:
1. What sould be installed, to make the PowerStorm work correctly? My experience
is not to use
the Open3D package! But there is __no__ statement in the installation
2. Does somebody know, if there are some parameters I should adjust to avoid
these problems?
3. Did I miss to install some peace of software (e.g. O3D newer than 4.96)?
There ought to be
a 3D graphics web page at COMPAQ, but I can not find any link to it (even the
link to the
PowerStrom drivers is well hidden!!!) !
4. How long will Alpha's with graphic options appear on the desktop ? (Most
technical software
will no longer support Alpha's)
After all I am somewhat upset about this kind of software. The newer the worse!!
It drives me crazy to notice, that nearly every customer is pushed towards M$.
These problems aren't known at M$dozes. Since I know this list read by COMPAQ
employees as well, it might be noticed!
Not seriously spoken but open minded:
Hey guys, forget about Alpha and Tru64, years ahead in concepts (COMPAQ
statements) but without a user base (only a data base)! Off the desktop, off the
Received on Tue Nov 20 2001 - 14:56:51 NZDT