Hey admins! Our new tru64 system is up and going and logging data again! I
was just wondering if there are other people out there that are in the same
situation that we're in and have a good solution as far as backups go...
Our situation: Compaq server running NT4.0 Backup drive is a TL891 with all
of the expansion units and the elevator thing (I know it's a great
description). Backup software is Cheyenne Bitware's ARCServe IT for NT4.0.
The tru64 systems used to do regular backups on HP 4mm dat drives (what a
pain). But, luckily, both of the drives are dead or dying now ;-) I know
that there is an addon for UNIX for ArcServe, and I was wondering if anyone
has had any experiences with this? Also, (you know it has to be a two-part
question coming from me) are there any other NT/Windows Domain -----> tru64
Unix backup options that anyone wants to suggest?
The backup isn't so much to recover the system, just the data that it logs
(stored on a second disk). Our proprietary software's license key depends
on the specific block/sector that it resides on in the Alpha it's running
on. It is necessary to purchase a new key (you don't even wanna know how
much) each time a disk crashes or a CPU fails or the installation is
corrupted. A block for block image of the disk would be perfect, but the
data is even more important than $$$$. Samba shares being backed up tend to
lose the mode, user, and group info that has to be reset in the event that a
restore is necessary. Sorry I'm rambling, but I just wanted to give the
potential replyee a little background info... TIA!
Received on Wed Dec 05 2001 - 19:04:52 NZDT