multible local mounts to one filesystem

From: Schwarzkugler, Bernd <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:25:05 +0100

Dear managers,

a question about multible mounting storage under Tru64 5.1 .

We have 4 Alpha Servers connected to a HSG80 with much storage connected.

Is the following possible?

1 Server localy mounts the filesystem /data read/write
1 Server localy mount the filesystem /data readonly for backup
1 Server localy mount the filesystem /data readonly for something else
1 Server localy mount the filesystem /data readonly for something else

All Servers are mounting the filesystem at the same time, but only one
server will do write transactions to
the filesystem /data

Does the filesystem /data crash or not?

Thank you for your assistance

Bernd Schwarzkugler
UNIX Spezialist
Tel: 08207/9611-418
Received on Wed Dec 12 2001 - 14:26:31 NZDT

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