[SUMMARY] class scheduling - does it start automatically on reboot?

From: Paul Thompson <paul.thompson_at_thedacare.org>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 16:05:17 -0600

The consensus is that the class scheduler does not start automatically and one can place a startup script for it in the rc scripts probably at an early point in the transition from runlevel 0 to runlevel 2.

Thanks to

Dr. Thomas P. Blinn
Paul Henderson
Bob Vickers

Bob Vickers apparently had periodic problems with the daemon dying and helpfully included this script to restart class scheduling automagically:

#!/bin/ksh -p
# Check that class scheduling is enabled. If not, enable it.
# Bob Vickers, 17 Jan 2000
export PATH

cd /tmp

umask 022

statusline=$(class_admin show | grep status:)
if [[ -z "$statusline" ]]
    print -u2 "$0: cannot obtain class scheduling status"
    exit 1
if [[ "$statusline" = *enabled ]]
    exit 0 # everything fine
    echo "$0: Class scheduling not active on" `hostname`
    class_admin show
    echo '***Restarting class scheduling***'
    class_admin enable
    class_admin show

>>> Paul Thompson <paul.thompson_at_thedacare.org> 12/11/01 10:56AM >>>

Hello managers

I have recently started using the class scheduler feature of Tru64 to limit CPU time for certain processes. I have added a 'runclass <cronjob>' into a crontab to a certain cron jobs at the desired class automatically.

The man page for runclass says that if class scheduling is not enabled the command will not be run, so my question is: does class scheduling retain its last setting and restart automatically on reboot or do I need to add a class_admin enable to one of my startup scripts?

Google is not forthcoming on this topic.

Received on Wed Dec 12 2001 - 22:06:24 NZDT

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