This situation remains relatively unresolved, but I did get ideas on a
couple of things to check: check that the console serial cable is plugged
into the top switch, check the preferred path for the CCL. It was suggested
that I could shutdown THIS and that could correct the issue. I also
received a couple of answers which boiled down to "Does it really matter"
and of course the answer is "Um, no, I guess it really doesn't". So we are
continuing to run in our "new" configuration and are having no other issues.
Thanks to:
Pat O'Brien
Frank Parkin
Vincent D'Antonio
Peter Reynolds
Tim Brown
Dan Harrington
Antonio González
Colin Bull
Manish Vashi
Alan _at_ cpqcorp
Udo de Boer
Alex Gorbachev
Thanks again
Bill Skulley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Skulley, William
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 7:23 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: HSG80 Question
> This may not be the right place to send this question, but I figure its a
> good place to start.
> We recently installed a SAN and hooked it up to our ES40 systems. One
> week later we moved our entire data center to a new location. We brought
> everything back up, and everything runs fine, but when we talk to the
> HSG80, either through the management appliance or hsxterm5, we talk to the
> bottom controller instead of the top (as we were prior to the move).
> While this is not critical, it is leading to some confusion amongst the
> admins as "this" and "other" are now backwards. How do we change the
> controller we are talking to? Did we physically mis-connect some cable?
> Or is there some other setting we can change? I have looked through the
> HSG80 documentation and really didn't find an answer.
> Thanks
> Bill Skulley
Received on Mon Dec 31 2001 - 14:37:51 NZDT