Once again the list has prooved to be a very helpful tool.
Thanks to (in order of appearance):
Robert Aldridge, alan_at_nabeth, Greg Poole, Klas Erlandsson and Robert
Sandford - and, of course, Greg Poole ;o)
[gee, I did not think that SO many of these HSZ40 - Dinosaurs are still in
Original Question was:
is it possible to save the HSZ40 config. to disk or to dump it via the CLI
to the connected computer/terminal/ a file? In case I have to replace my
HSZ40 sometime, I would really regret to loose the storage system
configuration and thus the data stored on it, even though it is just about
30 Gigs ... Or do I just have to "write it down" on paper?
Answers: (in order of appearance) ;o) :
I'll be out until January 3, 2002
Use a command like this:
# /usr/lbin/hsxterm5 -b2 -t0 -l0
Some versions of HSOF firmware support a command that
allows the controller to write a copy of the configuration
one a disk. However, the disk has to be initialize for
it. I don't recall if any of the HSZ40 versions supported
this. But, check your CLI guide to see if there is a
SAVE_CONFIGURATION command or option on the INITIALIZE
I think SWCC may offer a way to save the configuration
information, if you're running that.
If you have a hszterm or a version of the operating system
that includes hsxterm (part of the Service Tools subset, look
in /usr/lbin) you may be able to use it to collect the output
of the relevant SHOW commands:
If you have a dual controller subsystem, saving a copy of
the controller configuration isn't as important because
if one fails, the other can provide the configuration when
the failing one is replaced. Still, to protect against
the loss of both at the same time, having a copy of the
configuration good. Having a paper copy is also useful
of the online copy is unavailable.
The important thing to remember when putting back in a
configuration by hand is to NOT use the INITIALIZE
command after creating the disk or storage set. If
a RAID-5 happens to be reduced, there is an option
on the ADD RAID command to note that it is reduced.
Klas Erlansson:
If you have a singel HSZ40 you can save tha config on a unit.
It will the automaticaly back up the data to that unit.
Use save_config when creating a unit.
Robert Sandford:
There are several ways to save your configuration. One is to save on
the new volumes you create on the SAN. Or use the Windows NT program
SWCC and the UNIX steamd program.
1.) Save config on SAN disks
When you create a new storageset (raidset, JBOD, mirror) use
save_configuration option during the init command.
Top HSZ40>init new_raid save_configuration
This will save the HSZ40 configuration to the new storageset. I
recommend using the save_configuration everytime you create a new
2.) Saving the config to Windows NT box.
If you are running SWCC and steamd you can save the config to a disk
from the menu options. I dont have the menu items offhand but if you
want them I can get them.
3.) Using hsxterm5 command to log data.
This saves the basic HSZ40 configuration but not nearly as indepth as
what SWCC can.
First use /sbin/hwmgr -view dev to see what device can connect to your
hsz40 controller.
root#/sbin/hwmgr -view dev
209: /dev/cport/scp2 HSZ400CCL bus-0-targ-1-lun-0
Now run the "hsxterm5" command.
root#/usr/lbin/hsxterm5 -f /dev/cport/scp0 -b0 -t0 -l0 -Lhsz40.conf
This will connect to the hsz40 and save all information to the file
Once connected to the hsz40.conf run these commands
show this full
show other full
show connections
show units
show id
show devices
show storagesets
show disks
You should have all the info saved to the hsz40.conf file now.
Dr. Christian Wessely
url: www-theol.uni-graz.at
PGP Public Keys deposed there
Received on Fri Jan 04 2002 - 09:20:10 NZDT