After recently re-configuring save groups and tape pools(reassigning them
to preconfigured pools) on a NSR
server running on an NT machine, one of the my tru64 client machines
responds with:
WISS error, bad database header, cannot open save session with "hostname"
I don't know which database it's referring to. Anyone know?
The tru64 client machine had been running perfectly for over 3 years
The tru64 machine is runnning 4.0e. legato nsr is rel. 5.
Karen Y. Byrd
Sys Admin/DBA Voice: 215/746-4968
Info. Services Fax: 215/573-7645
Sch of Med.
1322 Blockley Hall
Univ. of PA
Phila, PA, 19104
Received on Thu Jan 24 2002 - 14:11:38 NZDT