patching a 5.1a cluster

From: Malek Shabou <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:06:56 +0100

 I am tring to patch a two member cluser (ES40 and DS20) 5.1a. and here what i
get whene i start the preinstall stage:

# clu_upgrade preinstall

This is the cluster upgrade program.
You have indicated that you want to perform the 'preinstall' stage of the

Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]:yes
clu_upgrade has previously created the required tagged files and would
normally check and repair any tagged files which may have been modified
since they where created. If you feel that the tagged files have not changed
since they where created you may bypass these checks and continue with the
rolling upgrade.

Do you wish to skip tag file checking? [no]:yes

Backing up member-specific data for member: 1

*** Error ***
An error was detected while backing up member ''???'' member-specific files.

 and here is some other logs:

clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade check setup
            On Host: Invoked at: Thu Feb 7 16:09:51 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade check setup
            On Host: Exited at: Thu Feb 7 16:09:51 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade upgrade setup
            On Host: Invoked at: Thu Feb 7 16:10:07 CET 2002

This is the cluster upgrade program.
You have indicated that you want to perform the 'setup' stage of the

Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]:
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade upgrade setup
            On Host: Exited at: Thu Feb 7 16:10:09 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade upgrade setup
            On Host: Invoked at: Thu Feb 7 16:10:11 CET 2002

This is the cluster upgrade program.
You have indicated that you want to perform the 'setup' stage of the

Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]:yes

What type of rolling upgrade will be performed?

    Selection Type of Upgrade
         1 An upgrade using the installupdate command
         2 A patch using the dupatch command
         3 A new hardware delivery using the nhd_install command
         4 All of the above
         5 None of the above
         6 Help
         7 Display all options again
Enter your Choices (for example, 1 2 2-3):2
You selected the following rolling upgrade options: 2
Is that correct? (y/n) [y]:y

Enter the full pathname of the patch kit mount point
A patch kit has been found in the following location:


This kit has the following version information:

'"Tru64 UNIX V5.1A Patch Distribution" (T64V51AB01AS0001-20020116PatchTools520,

Is this the correct patch kit for the update being performed? [yes]:yes

Checking inventory and available disk space.
du: /var/cluster/members/member0/tmp/dusetup.2690/nsmail/.Unsent: No such file
or directory
du: Messages.summary: No such file or directory
du: /var/cluster/members/member0/tmp/dusetup.2690/nsmail/Unsent: No such file
or directory
du: Messages: No such file or directory
Marking stage 'setup' as 'started'.

Creating tagged files.
....grep: can't open /cluster/admin/tmp/tag_files.patch

*** Error ***
Could not create: /sbin/rc3.d/.Old..S58lat
.....grep: can't open /cluster/admin/tmp/tag_files.patch

*** Error ***
Could not create: /usr/bin/.Old..perl

*** Warning ***
The above errors were detected during the cluster upgrade. If you believe that
the errors are not critical to system operation, you can choose to continue.
If you are unsure, you should check the cluster upgrade log and refer
to clu_upgrade(8) before continuing with the upgrade.

Do you want to continue the cluster upgrade? [no]:yes
clubase: Entry not found in /cluster/admin/tmp/stanza.stdin.654959

clubase: Entry not found in /cluster/admin/tmp/stanza.stdin.654996

The cluster upgrade 'setup' stage has completed successfully.
Reboot all cluster members except member: '1'
Marking stage 'setup' as 'completed'.

The 'setup' stage of the upgrade has completed successfully.
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade upgrade setup
            On Host: Exited at: Thu Feb 7 17:47:29 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade boot
            On Host: Invoked at: Thu Feb 7 17:59:45 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade boot
            On Host: Exited at: Thu Feb 7 17:59:45 CET 2002
clu_upgrade Command: clu_upgrade upgrade preinstall
            On Host: Invoked at: Thu Feb 7 18:06:42 CET 2002

Received on Mon Feb 11 2002 - 17:07:20 NZDT

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