Summary: stopping SNMPd on Tru64

From: Sue Dowd <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 15:28:23 -0500

Thanks to everyone that answered my question!

Seems that the most have suggested the following to keep SNMPd from starting
at boot time.

The startup script for this on our 4.0d system is in


Just do :

 # /sbin/init.d/snmpd stop

  this stops it

mv /sbin/rc3.d/S49snmpd /sbin/rc3.d/snmpds49

  this will stop it from coming back up again on reboot

If a patch is released, do this:

mv /sbin/rc3.d/snmpds49 /sbin/rc3.d/S49snmpd once you've patched to make
sure it comes up again with the patched version, if you wish to.

_  .-^^-._      o     Sue Dowd                          Voice 843-953-6556
)~\.)      _at_\   ,                    Fax   843-953-2461
(       \_   <        VMS & DUNIX Systems Manager
 )/'-.    _./         Academic Computing
      )_/             College of Charleston
                      Charleston, South Carolina 29424
Received on Tue Feb 19 2002 - 20:28:40 NZDT

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