Hello again!
I turned out that the clu_bdmgr program has a bug.
It shifts the h partition off the disk by getting
a wrong disk size somewhere from a cache. This
occured when we upgraded from ACS8.5 to ACS8.6
(which, by the way, caused our controllers to
permanently reboot after patch 3, because it
conflicts with existent stripesets. We had to
clean out our complete EMA12000 to get that
working !). Compaq is currently working on it.
The only way to move a member boot_disk is to edit
the new disk by hand so that the cnx partition is h,
2048 bytes long and exactly aligned with the end of
the disk. After that, we configured the disk with the
clu_bdmgr -h dskxx /cluster/members/memberxx/boot_partition/etc/clu_bdmgr.conf
command for member boot with the old information.
It's also mandatory to safely zero out disklabels
with disklabel -rz on the HSG80 before writing them
with disklabel -rw and edit with disklabel -er,
otherwise unpredictable behaviour will occur.
Original question:
>> We are currently trying to move a cluster members 8
>> boot disk 35 to another disk 15 (both on different
>> HSG80 controllers):
>> clu_bdmgr -c dsk15 8
>> After that the disklabel was ok, except the label
>> was not clu_member8, but only clu_member. With both
>> types of labels (editing the label the second time),
>> a clu_bdmgr -h or -d gives the message:
>> ** ERROR **
>> disk device is not configured to be a member boot
>> disk. Failed to meet requirements.
>> In spite of that error, the member can boot from
>> the new disk (although we do not know if there's
>> still some hidden reference to the old disk).
>> We are running Tru5.1 PK3, after upgrade
>> of 8.5f to 8.6 pk2 HSG80 firmware. Member boot partitions
>> were restored from disk 35 to 15 via vdump/vrestore. CNX
>> partition is visible on new disklabel.
Dr. Udo Grabowski email: udo.grabowski_at_imk.fzk.de
Institut f. Meteorologie und Klimaforschung II, Forschungszentrum Karslruhe
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany Tel: (+49) 7247 82-6026
http://www.fzk.de/imk/imk2/ame/grabowski/ Fax: " -6141
Received on Tue Feb 26 2002 - 12:03:12 NZDT