The original posting is shown at the end of this mail.
I would like to thank all of those who responded including and in no
particular order:
Dirk Kleinhesselink []
A. Mahendra Rajah [Mahendra.Rajah_at_URegina.CA]
O'Brien, Pat []
Adametz, Bluejay []
Ruben Cortegoso []
Phil Baldwin []
Dr. Tom
Fletcher, Joe []
Timothy Brown []
Bård Tesaker []
Colin Bull []
Talawala, Murtaza []
Suggestions included:
1. Checking the video output port. This was not relevant in this case as
the system does not and never did have a video card.
2. Checking the HALT button was not depressed. It wasn't.
3. Checking to see that the terminal had not been x-off'd. It hadn't.
4. Checking external disk connectivity and bus termination.
5. General hardware problem and checking/reseating boards etc.
Bus termination/external connectivity was a theme which eventually produced
results. I have attached a copy of Dr. Tom's answer which contains some
useful information.
We actually had two different problems. One was causing the system to hang.
The other wouldn't have but still needed to be resolved.
1. We disconnected all external connectivity and still had the problem.
2. Removed all PCI boards - problem went away.
3. Installed boards 1 at a time until we found the duffer - a KGPSA-CA in
PCI slot 6. Why couldn't it have been in slot 1!!??
Upon identification of the duff module, we checked the console could see all
expected hardware - and found the CD was missing. Pretty fundamental as my
next step was to boot from the CD! We removed the combi CD/floppy/DAT
module and noticed two very bent pins on the SCSI connector. We bent them
straight and reconnected.
All is now ok.
many thanks everybody.
regards - Tony Miller
==Dr. Tom Blinn============================================================
I have a DS20E in my office that has multiple SCSI adapters; I use the
Adaptec AIC-7895 on the motherboard (both ports) as well as a plug-in
KZPEA (Adaptec AIC-7899 Ultra3 equivalent of the Adaptec AIC-7895), as
I am pretty sure I've got the NCR 53C895 for the internal tape drive,
as well as I think a QLogic ISP10x0 for internal disk cage. What I
do NOT have is the KGPSA-C -- and I sometimes see hangs at pretty much
the same place you report them.
What I've found is that if I power off my three external SCSI shelves
so that the console isn't going out to try to find the disks, then it
comes right up (slowly but surely). The disks are all in the BA356
style shelves with single-ended personality modules; something isn't
happy with seeing the disks.
I'm guessing you have a SCSI bus termination problem, but that's just
a guess. So check ALL of the SCSI cabling, both internal and outside
the box. A mis-seated SCSI cable can hang the SCSI drivers in the
console firmware.
> All...
> Have searched the archives but cant see anything similar to the problem I
> have.
> I am setting up (another) brand new DS20E system. h/w vendor has
> kit and supposedly verified it runs h/w diags etc ok. I wasn't present
> this happened. Needless to say - they are now off site.
> There is no o/s on this box. I am going to clone it from another DS20E we
> have.
> I could get no response from the console so power-cycled the box. I get
> following displayed:
> 16:14:14 *** keyboard not plugged in...
> 16:14:15 2048 Meg of system memory
> 16:14:15 probing hose 1, PCI
> 16:14:15 probing PCI-to-PCI bridge, bus 2
> 16:14:15 bus 0, slot 7 -- pka -- NCR 53C895
> 16:14:15 bus 2, slot 4 -- eia -- DE602-AA
> 16:14:15 bus 2, slot 5 -- eib -- DE602-AA
> 16:14:15 probing hose 0, PCI
> 16:14:15 probing PCI-to-ISA bridge, bus 1
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 5, function 1 -- dqa -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 5, function 2 -- dqb -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 6, function 0 -- pkb -- Adaptec AIC-7895
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 6, function 1 -- pkc -- Adaptec AIC-7895
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 7 -- pga -- KGPSA-C
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 8 -- pgb -- KGPSA-C
> 16:14:16 bus 0, slot 9 -- pkd -- QLogic ISP10x0
> 16:14:19 initializing GCT/FRU at 1ca000
> But then the system just hangs. 10 minutes later and its still the same.
> If I power cycle it again, I get the same response - or lack of it.
> I was expecting to see the console prompt (>>>) displayed pretty soon
> the
> "initializing GCT/FRU at 1ca000" line.
> Has anybody seen this before? Any ideas would be appreciated.
> regards - Tony
/A bit more information on my earlier posting. Thanks by the way to those
/who have already replied. Problem still exists though...
/1. The system is rack-mounted and has never had a graphics console
/2. I am using the serial console
/3. The LED/switches are as follows:
/ power button on - its corresponding LED is lit.
/ halt button IS NOT in (if I push this the HALT LED momentarily
/lights as expected)
/4. The 4 x diagnostic LED's settle at 1=off, 2+3+4=on. According to the
/manual this means
/ "initialising file system"
/This is very odd as the RESET button doesn't. i.e.., It doesn't return me
/to the console prompt.
/There is nothing installed on any disks to my knowledge.
=======================End of Original
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 12:09:05 NZDT