Moving from one NAS device to another

From: John Losey <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 19:14:09 -0500


I've just finished migrating files from one SNAP server that was NFS mounted
to one of my Tru64 boxes to a new SNAP server (the old one has a failed
disk, so SNAP sent the replacement and I'm returning the old one once the
data is off). I migrated the data using the following command: (I used one
for each subdirectory in the mount-point)
(cd /snap01; tar cpf - subdirectory1) | (cd /snap02; tar xpvf -)

I'm wondering if there was a better way than tar to do this move. Our NFS
mount was of the / of the SNAP filesystem, so I didn't want to grab SNAP
specific subdirectories (like os_private & WWW), so that was why I did the
tar of each subdirectory.

But I'm wondering if there would have been a better way to move these files.
I was trying to avoid purchasing Snap's utility to copy between SNAP
servers, because we normally only have 1 (except for the times when we've
got the replacement because of hardware failures in the first one).

I also ran into a slight problem with using tar for files that were overly
large (ie. 2+GB) and had to copy those using a Windows box on the same
network as the two Snap servers.


Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 12:49:37 NZDT

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