Thanks to Prithwish Chatterjee and John Francini, I had to remove all of them except for the DNALITE402.
Original question:
I was attempting an install update and I got the following error message
This system can not be updated with the following layered products
installed on it. Please remove these products from your system
before attempting an update installation:
DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V4.0B-0
I did a setld -i | grep DEC and I see these
DNABASE402 installed DECnet/OSI Base Components (DECnet/OSI Standard)
DNADECDNSSRV402 installed DECnet/OSI DECdns Server (Optional DECnet/OSI C)
DNAGATEWAYS402 installed DECnet/OSI Gateways (Optional DECnet/OSI Compon)
DNAKBIN402 installed DECnet/OSI Kernel Components (DECnet/OSI Standa)
DNALITE402 DECnet for Small Configurations (Lightweight DE)
DNAMAN402 installed DECnet/OSI Reference Pages (Optional DECnet/OSI)
DNAMOP402 installed DECnet/OSI MOP Utilities (Optional DECnet/OSI C)
DNANETMAN402 installed DECnet/OSI Network Management (DECnet/OSI Stand)
DNANETMANGUI402 installed DECnet/OSI Network Management GUI (Optional DEC)
DNAPGMR402 installed DECnet/OSI Programming Tools (Optional DECnet/O)
DNATRANSITION402 installed DECnet/OSI Transition Tools (Optional DECnet/OS)
DNAUTIL402 installed DECnet/OSI Miscellaneous Software (Optional DEC)
Any ideas as to which one I remove?
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 21:32:19 NZDT