Exporting user directory to mac - mount problem on Mac

From: Padiyath Kumar <Kumar.Padiyath_at_psi.ch>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 09:37:58 +0100

            I want to export a user directory to a mac.I have installed
            Tru64. As a simple test I did the following:

            In export file I had th entry:
            /usr/tmp/ -access=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
           executed showmount -e

           On the mac executed the necessary command and mac asked for
           the username and password. If I type root as user and root
           it works. But if I specify any Tru64 username/password I get

           I did with different export like root=-2, specifying readonly(ro)
           Question: How I have to export from Tru64 so that user can mount
it with
                            user username/password?

            I will summarize.
           Thanks in advance,
Received on Fri Mar 08 2002 - 08:38:32 NZDT

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