Thank you all for the help on Remote Dump.
Here is my question and the answer that worked.
My question :
Here is a scenario based on Compaq XP1000 workstations
running Tru64 Unix 4.0F. I have HOST1 without a tape
drive and HOST2 with a tape drive both part of the
network. I want to take a full level 0 dump of HOST1
machine / and /usr file systems to HOST2 tapedrive
(/dev/nrmt0h). Digital Unix recommends that the
machine be brought down to single user mode before
making a level 0 dump. As I am in single user mode, I
am unable to see HOST2 since network will not be
My question is : How can I dump HOST1 / and /usr file
systems in single user mode to HOST2 tape drive ?
>>> boot -flags s
# bcheckrc
# /usr/sbin/rcinet start
# rdump -0un -f <remotehost>:/dev/nrmt0h -b 32 /
# rdump -0un -f <remotehost>:/dev/nrmt0h -b 32 /
# /usr/sbin/rcinet stop
# reboot
Anbu J. Mohamed
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Received on Tue Mar 12 2002 - 05:04:28 NZDT