LVD Apapter for an 8100.

From: Jim Fitzmaurice <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:24:07 -0500


    My backups on my cluster have become too large for the tape drives
currently attached to the cluster so I'm buying a tape library with a
DLT8000 in it. The problem is I not currently running LVD on the cluster,
just SCSI and FCAL so, I'll need an LVD adapter also.

    I've been searching for an LVD Adapter for
my 8100 running 5.1, but have had almost no luck. I did find a Compaq
3X-DEPVZAA PCI, Combo Card LVD SCSI-2 10/100 Ethernet and Graphics, but I
don't want a combo card with ethernet and graphics. I want just an LVD
Adapter and that's all.

    This should be an easy question. Anybody using an LVD adapter on a
DLT8000 who could let me know the model/part number of the card I need to


James Fitzmaurice
D0 Online Systems Manager
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
(630) 840-4011

UNIX is very user friendly, It's just very particular about who it makes
friends with.
Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 17:24:17 NZST

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