Thanks to all they give responce.
- Shaukat Riaz
- Han Pilmeyer
- Thmas Blinn
- Rochelle Lauer
- Jay Nash
- John Francini
- Alan Nabeth
- Raul Sossa S.
- Udo de Boer
The original question was
I have to setup a TruCLuster with 2 * D10 and a share RA8000 storagebox.
It's for a demo, so I don't need much diskspace on the RA8000. (Only 3 disks)
Total 3 external disks for Quorum, en data.
Question: Can / may I install UNIX on the local disks (inside the DS10's) or
must I install it on the shared disks.
I have make a mistake, I had more disks than I expected. (total 5 disks)
I have installed the cluster on this way.
Split one disk of the storage in two part's One part the quorumdisk, other
part the installation disk. Otherwise, when I use the internal disks of the
DS10's I have to swap the disks physicly to the other server.
Instal UNIX on the install disk on the RA8000, en build up the cluster from
Total use 5 disks;
- Root disk member 1
- Root disk member 2
- CLuster-root disk
- Quorum / Installationdisk
- Data disk
It works fine now.
Thanks for the great and fast support.
Regards, Gert Maaskant
Technical Consultant
CSS System Integration
Mobile : 06-50647109
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Received on Wed Apr 17 2002 - 09:48:46 NZST