4.0F with HSG80

From: Manish Vashi <manish_vashi_at_fanniemae.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:16:03 -0400


        We have connected two 4.0F system with HSG80 Firmware 8.6F-8
[EMA16000].One HBA on each system is installed and configured connected
to single switch and the HSG80 also to the same switch.Now after
creating the units on HSG80 the devices are seen when you run [ scu show
edt].But when try to do the disklabel it gives the error.

# disklabel -r rzb89 [ unit d101 on bus 11 so comes to rzb89]
disklabel: rzb89 : invalid argument
# disklabel -rw rzb89 [ unit d101 on bus 11 so comes to rzb89]
disklabel: rzb89 : invalid argument

Device file exit s in /dev.

>From the second system ,can just see the CCL ,not any of the devices
when try to run scu show edt .The seconed system should also see the
device as on HSG80 ACCESS= ALL is defined.

Any inputs will be very helpful.


Received on Thu Apr 18 2002 - 20:36:27 NZST

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