HI Managers,
Sorry it's taken me a while to summerise this. I had a few replies,
thanx to Stan Horwitz, Phil Bladwin and Lisa Morris. I supply the
latter's reply as it came from Compaq's site. I didn't find a answer on
the mailing list archive. Basically the daemon was running. This hasn't
completely resolved my problem but that's the subject of another
----------------- Original Message -------------
I am getting the following error message:
lpr: connect: No such file or directory
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
I am pretty sure that this is a path problem as this system is a replica
of another but with one small but significant change in the program
The file in question is in the same directory so I don't think the file to
print is the one not found. I can print as root but not as this user. Does
anyone know what this message means? I can't see anything in the
man page
about it.
-------------------- Resolution ------------------
Error:"lpc: connect: No such file or directory couldn't start daemon"
Problem Description:
Error:"lpc: connect: No such file or directory couldn't start daemon"
1. First make sure that lpd is running and note the pid(s):
ps -ef | grep lpd
2. Check the syslog.dated lpr log:
cd /var/adm/syslog.dated/latestlog
more lpr.log
3. If the following error is received:
usr/spool/lpd.lock: locking failed: Operation would block
kill the lpd daemon. (kill -9 the pids listed above)
mv /usr/spool/lpd.lock /usr/spool/lpdsave.lock
cd /sbin/init.d
./lpd start
lpc restart
The problem occurs if 'something' has gone wrong with the queues
spooling areas. The lpd.lock file is a file that contains the pid of
lpd. Sometimes it may have the wrong pid and not have been
Dermot Paikkos * dermot_at_sciencephoto.com
Network Administrator _at_ Science Photo Library
Phone: 0207 432 1100 * Fax: 0207 286 8668
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 11:00:19 NZST