A summary update to correct some issues in my previous
post. Lots of replies (thanks to all) as to the fact
that dtmail and pine don't call sendmail.cf directly.
I agree to that. What i should have said maybe is that
somehow, dtmail and pine where/(still are) accessing
an old sendmail binary, whose .cf file resides in
/usr/var/adm/sendmail/. Seems to be tru64 default
location, because the .cf file format originated from
BUT even if that is what i should have said....my
problem still persists (which now i am trying to work
on) as to how it would access a sendmail binary that
is not running?
I stopped the old sendmail (8.9.3) from
(/sbin/init.d/sendmail stop) verified that it is not
running. Then started my new one
#/new/sendmail/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd -q1h (options
obtained from sendmail security README). Again
verified that the new one is running by telneting to
localhost 25, saw sendmail 8.12.3 reply, and the
daemon is running as well (ps).
What i am trying to establish now is the interelation
between a running daemon (sendmail 8.12.3) and the
What i have found out (by a simple test of strings
/usr/bin/Mail|grep sendmail) is that the Mailer
itself, "Mail" program, expects sendmail binary to be
at /usr/sbin/sendmail. Binary "binmail" expects is to
be at /usr/lib/sendmail!! The /usr/sbin/sendmail is
also built from mailsetup (suggested by binary
dates...:), so this tells me that, by the way I forced
sendmail to install in a different directory,
/new/sendmail ( by setting properties in m4 files,
site.config.m4, and altering Makefile.m4 doesn't do me
much good.
I will have to work with links now, or rebuild Mail
and binmail if that is an option (not sure)!!!
Actually sendmail 8.12.3 still expects its cf file to
be in /etc/mail/*.cf (didn't know keyword to specify
to change this), thus i have a link there.
Now i guess i will have to also link the binary to
/usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail, and again the
.cf file to /usr/var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf !!
If you have further ideas on reducing my mess (at
least am working on a test machine!!), they will be
appreciated. Otherwise, right now everything seems to
be working as it should, but in a messy way. If i
receive further ideas, test, and get them to work OK,
i will update this summary.
If you are still reading this far down, thanks very
much. Thanks to all others who wrote back on my
previous SUMMARY.
[This Note from Lucio is detailed well, and other
sendmail newbies on Tru64 can find it helpful in the
future, so I include it]
--- Lucio Chiappetti <lucio_at_> wrote:
> On Tue, 14 May 2002, Tru64 User wrote:
> > I have finally nailed down the problem.
> Apparently, dtMail and pine,
> > both were using the wrong sendmail.cf file..which
> is infact pretty
> > old, sitting at /usr/var/adm/sendmail directory.
> Don't know for sure about dtmail, but being it a
> "mail USER agent" like
> pine (which I know for good) they have nothing to do
> with your sendmail.cf
> which is used by sendmail, the mail DELIVERY agent.
> Pine (equally if you
> use it locally without specifying smtp-server, or if
> you point to a local
> or remote smpt-server) will use whatever sendmail
> DAEMON is running at the
> moment !
> Do a "ps -A" and find the sendmail process which is
> running, the one
> running as root with a low pid should be the daemon
> started at boot by
> "/sbin/init.d/sendmail start".
> You can manually run sendmail with -C from an
> alternate sendmail.cf to
> test, but that won't run as a daemon, unless you
> stop the current daemon
> (/sbin/init.d/sendmail stop) and start the new one
> with the appropriate
> options (my boot file uses /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd
> -q15m -om &).
> And yes, each sendmail in general has its own
> system-dependent place where
> it looks for sendmail.cf. The usual thing is to
> create soft links. I have
> (I believe I always had) a soft link
> /etc/sendmail.cf_at_ -> /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf
> The procedure to install a new sendmail.cf in such
> case is
> /sbin/init.d/sendmail stop
> cd /var/adm/sendmail
> mv sendmail.cf sendmail.cf.ORIGINAL
> mv yournewsendmail.cf sendmail.cf
> /sbin/init.d/sendmail start
> Or if you prefer edit the script in
> /sbin/init.d/sendmail to point to
> another location of sendmail.cf (and remember to
> redo it when you
> reinstall the system)
> > Lucio Chiappetti >
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