Thanks to:
"Talawala, Murtaza" <>
Olle Eriksson <>
Glenn Harrison <>
"Phillips, Blair" <>
Rost, Werner" <>
"O'Brien, Pat" <>
"Lavelle, Bryan" <>
"Price, Dan" <>
Mnica Fernndez Pereiro <>
"Whiting, Bryan" <>
Original Question
> Is DEC event meant to come installed with the base system of Tru64 5.1a ?
> Or do you have to install it ? And do you have to pay for it ?
1. The basic stuff is free. But to fully explore this product a DECEVENT
license is needed.
So that's the expense
2. DEC event (dia) has been superceded by Compaq Analyze in 5.1A, from
3. DECevent is on the Associated Products Vol 2 CD-ROM.
The basic event reporting and binary translation stuff doesn't need
a licence.
There is an analysis component which does need a licence. I've not
used it, so I don'e know how functional it is.
You install it using "setld -l /mnt/DEC_EVENT/kit DIABASE330" and
follow the bouncing ball.
Be aware that DECevent does not know about any EV6 based systems
(except maybe GS60E/140E). For those, you need the Compaq Analyse
component of WEBES, also on the Assoc. Prod. V2 CD.
4. Depends on your platform. If it's an EV6 chip, or later, then no, DECevent won't work,
you must use Compaq Analyze. No, it's not loaded by default, you must load it off
one of the associated products CD. There is no additional charge for DECevent.
5. I think it is part of the OS, you can call your TAM and they should if your
a gold customer (not sure on that) give you a license for DECevent. So
that you know there are alot of good tools to monitor and inform Compaq of
issue's on your system:
DSNlink --- this tool can be used by compaq to log onto your system for
help in finding out wants wrong or help configure, it is also a good file
transfer tool as it uses 168bit encryption, it work though your firewall.
DECevent -- after DSNlink is installed you can enable DECevent you can
enable SICL to log DECevent issue directly to compaq and they call you
sometimes (most) before you even know there was a problem.
WEBES -- there is a whole set of tools here CA, CCAT, and RCM:
CA -- compaq analyze
CCAT -- Compaq crash analyze tool
RCM -- ???
you can access the info from RCM via a compaq web site, ask your TAM about
setting you up on this. It is nice you can see your case's, listed
contacts, view alot of you system info, disk, network, sys_check HTML.
then you can run SHC -- system health check, I just start to play with
this, but talk to your TAM and see how many pro reports you get per year,
but you can also run and view a lite report in your browser anytime. its a
nice tool.
I mentioned above SICL -- system initiated call logging, part of DNSlink
and DECevent. this logs binary errors directly to compaq if it's a high
5. It's not installed by default -- but you can get it
from the following location:
You should find everything you'll need at that site.
6. You have to install it (Associated Products Volume 2).
IABASExxx Base kit
DIADOCTXTxxx Text documentation Files
DIADOCPSxxx Postcript documentation files
DIADOCBOOKxxx Bookreader documentation files
Certain features are enabled by default with the operating system, while
others are reserved for contract maintance customers. Alternaly there is
a license to enable some advanced features for non-contract customers.
Reporting: Provided with Tru64 UNIX
Manual Analysis: Provided with Tru64 UNIX
Automatic event correlation analysis: Requires Service Contract
Automatic event thershold analysis: Requires Service Contract
System initiated call logging: Requires Service Contract
- DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility User's Guide
- System Administration
- System Configuration and Tuning
7. DECevent has never been installed on the base system in
my experience. In the V5 timeframe it has been replaced
by Compaq Analyze, though many prefer it over CA. Oddly,
I don't think CA comes with the base system, like DECevent
does (DECevent is on an Associated Product CDROM). The
Software Product Library kit includes a tools CDROM that
has the whole WEBES suite that includes CA.
You may also be able to get CA from the corporation's
services web site.
I think basic the basic bit to text support in DECevent
is usable without a license. The analysis and callout
functionality may require a license or service contract.
CA translation and analysis seems to work without a
license, but to get callout/phone home, you would need
a service contract.
8. I forgot to mention that there is a service pack for WEBES at
This page also has pointers to documentation.
Don't try to install CCAT and RCM. They are really intended to be
installed by Customer Services for customers on Business Critical
Support. The RCM functions are provided by sys_check, anyway,
and if you have a crash you want analyzed, the people in CSC can
do it a lot faster and more thoroughly than trying to get a local
copy of CCAT running.
I should warn you that when you install WEBES and start Compaq Analyze,
it will try to analyze your current error log. (/var/adm/binary.errlog)
This could take a long time if there is too much data in the file.
Also, the command line interface to Compaq Analyze seems to be more
reliable than the web interface.
Thanks for all the responses
- Alex
Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 05:35:16 NZST