ddr.dbase entry required for Ultrium tape drive for V4.0F

From: <anthony.miller_at_vf.vodafone.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 15:40:00 +0100


Have searched the archives but cant find anything relevant.

Does anybody have a ddr.dbase entry for an IBM Ultrium tape drive please?

Thanking you in advance

regards - Tony

| TONY MILLER - Team Leader : Technical Projects,
| VODAFONE LTD, Derby House,
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire.
| Phone +44 (0)1635-677687(local)
| Work email anthony.miller_at_vf.vodafone.co.uk
| FAX +44 (0)1635-233517
|Quotation: "Is the glass half full or half empty?? ...
| Well, drink it anyhow, that's what I say".
| Pete Goss.
|Quotation: "God gave men two ears but only one tongue. Think
| about something and chew it to death before you
| spit it out as abuse, for the greatest remedy to
| anger is delay.".
| Charlie Burton.
|Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
|reflect the company view unless explicitly stated. The information
|is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
|any system damage howsoever caused.
Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 14:40:29 NZST

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