Several people have asked if advfsd is running and yes it is.
Does anybody know where (and on which CD) I can find 'dtadvfs'? I can't
find anything named d?advfs (dxadvfs nor dtadvfs) on any of the 5.1A CDs.
There is a sym link in /usr/bin/X11 that was created when I upgraded to 5.1A
but it points to the 4.0E version of dtadvfs:
root_at_thor==> pwd
root_at_thor==> ls -alF d*adv*
-r-x------ 1 root bin 6619136 Jul 31 1998 dtadvfs*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 7 Jun 4 11:29 dxadvfs_at_ -> dtadvfs*
On a 4100 just upgraded to 5.1A PK2 -- I can't get dtadvfs to work.
It launches but says it can't connect to host:
Failed to make agent connection to host:
When I go to 'HELP -> About' it shows the release as 4.0E.
When I issue;
$ ls -alF /usr/bin/X11/dtadvfs
I get:
-r-x------ 1 root bin 6619136 Jul 31 1998
Which is older than the dtadvfs on a DS20E that is running 4.0F
from the 4.0F machine:
ls -alF dtadvfs
-r-x------ 1 root bin 6569984 Feb 11 1999 dtadvfs*
Thanks (again)!
Andy Cohen
Database Systems Administrator
COGNEX Corporation
(508) 650-3079 Fax: (508) 650-3337
cell: (617) 470-0034
Received on Fri Jun 07 2002 - 14:41:07 NZST