Rejected posting to aix-l_at_LISTS.PRINCETON.EDU

From: L-Soft list server at Princeton University \(1.8e\) <"L-Soft>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 03:53:57 -0400

------------------ Virus Warning Message (on emroute1)

Found virus WORM_KLEZ.H in file 800_textscheme.scr
The uncleanable file 800_textscheme.scr is moved to /var/iscan/email_virus/virVYBVvaaFd.

A virus was found in a file attached to this email. The infected file was cleaned or removed from the message. The sender has been notified. No action is required on your part.


You are not authorized to send mail to the aix-l list from your
tru64-unix-managers_at_ORNL.GOV account. You might be authorized to send to the
list from another of your accounts, or perhaps when using another mail program
which generates slightly different addresses, but LISTSERV has no way to
associate this other account or address with yours. If you need assistance or
if you have any question regarding the policy of the aix-l list, please contact
the list owners: aix-l-request_at_LISTS.PRINCETON.EDU.

attached mail follows:

------------------ Virus Warning Message (on emroute1)

800_textscheme.scr is removed from here because it contains a virus.

Received on Mon Jun 10 2002 - 07:58:30 NZST

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