here is some other informations:
i have reinstalled the server form scutch i have the some probleme, here is the steps:
1/ i have installer a frech server with lsm (system on dsk0 and dsk0h as priv reg) (5.1a)
dsk0a 512M /
dsk0b 3G swap
dsk0g 3G /usr
dsk0d 4G /var
dsk0h 64M
dsk0f 8G
dsk0e 15G
reboot works fine
2/ i have installer patch kit 2
reboot works fine
3/ i have created:
* usersvol as a lsmvolume on dsk0f + advfs filesystem mounted on /usr/users
* localvol as a lsmvolume on dsk0e + advfs filesystem mounted on /usr/local
4/ i have mirrored the root disk on dsk5 with:
volmiroor -a dsk5
reboot OK
5/ i have added with lsmsa to rootvol,usrvol,swapvol,usersvol,localvol log zones, eatch time i chose dsk0h as as log disk
lsmsa create automaticly a subdisk from dsk0h and add it as dirty log to the volume.
after this the reboot do not work, and vold crash on start.
is it a bug ????
Malek Shabou E-mail: nic_at_nic.fr
AFNIC Tel: +33 1 39 30 83 00
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Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines 78180 Montigny-Le-Bretonneux
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Received on Tue Jun 11 2002 - 11:28:06 NZST