How to convert console from serial to graphics on DS10

From: Zhiqing Liu <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 08:59:31 -0400

This was originally posted to comp.os.vms and reposted here, and I
if you read it twice. It is critial and thank you for any help. I will
course post a summary.

Good morning,

I recently received a DS10 without a graphics card. Adding to it an Elsa
GLoria Synergy card gives me simply an banner page of the card followed
an empty blue screen. It appears to boot, via the serial console, to
unknown systems, to which nobody has access. I am trying to convert the
console to graphics so that a fresh operating system can be installed.

I know that, once I have SRM, this can be done by setting the SRM
variable to graphics. My problem here is that I don't have a terminal
around. Hooking up a PC HyperTerminal via a null modem connection to the
serial port of DS10 shows a little bit garbage on the HyperTerminal. The
settings of the HyperTerminal are 9600, 8N1 with software handshaking,
works just fine to my PWS 500AU.

Am I missing anything here? Is there any other way to convert the
console to
graphics? How can I reset the machine to its true factory default,
which, I
think, allows me to select which console should be used?

Thank you very much
Received on Thu Jun 13 2002 - 12:59:50 NZST

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