The problem disappeared after installing:
official Patch Kit 2
- Tru64_UNIX_V5.1A / Filesystem Patches:
* Patch C 00328.00 - Fixes a VFS namecache race condition
"Tru64 UNIX V5.1A Patch Distribution" (T64V51AB2-C0032800-14547-20020610OSF520,10-Jun-2002:14:32:19) ***
Thanks to:
Dr. Thomas.Blinn
Tim Mark
....and many others
My Original question:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AdvFS- Filesystem curruption
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 10:07:02 +0200
From: Shiva Gowda <>
Organization: ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH
Followup-To: poster
Problem with Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885) on a GS 160 cluster node and with fast big storage systems
- files are shown in the directory, but we can't access them
- sometimes it takes serval minutes, than the files can be accessed
> Sample for the corruption of the file system:
> Files are appearing and disappearing on the system level.
> sgowda:~/testdata/test2FIFO> ls -l
> ls: ./000837.dat not found
> total 8
> -rw-r----- 1 opsc opsc 13 May 15 19:01 001826.dat
> sgowda:~/testdata/test2FIFO> ls -l
> ls: ./000837.dat not found
> ls: ./001826.dat not found
> total 0
ls -l does gather the information in two steps, first it reads the
directory and the it accesses the 'files' in order to obtain its
attributes. It seems it can't access the attributes and returns
file not sounf message.
I'm gussing this could be a Filesystem problem!
If so, are there any patches for this.
BTW, We had no problems with 4.0D!!
Received on Fri Jun 21 2002 - 12:34:06 NZST