Apache/PHP/Sablot on Tru64

From: Xavier <xavier_at_rootshell.be>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:55:45 +0200 (CEST)


I'm trying to compile and use Sablot (0.90) with Apache.
Sablot did not compile but I fixed this problem. Now, when compiling Apache
with the PHP module, I got the following error:

./gen_uri_delims >uri_delims.h
189575:./gen_uri_delims: /sbin/loader: Error: libsablot.so: symbol "_Znwm" unresolved
sh: 189575 Memory fault - core dumped
*** Exit 139

Any idea? What's this symbol '_Znwm' ?


echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sb20293A2058554E494Csnlbxq'|dc
Received on Tue Jun 25 2002 - 07:56:01 NZST

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