Take 3, we will see if this beloved e-mail server accepts this, this
Hello People,
We are observing some interesting behaviour. Tom, Alan, anyone close to the
Tru Cluster developers, input is welcome.
We now have a 3 node cluster:
Node1 1 Vote DS-20
Node2 1 Vote DS-20
Node3 1 Vote ES-45
Quorum 1 Vote
Using a LAN CI on 100BT, LAN utilisation <20Mb/s.
Public interface DEGPA, lightly used as well. All disks in a SAN, currently
being dual ported between independent 1GB and 2GB fabrics.
What we have observed, if we adjust the votes, and take votes away from
Node1, 2, or 3, that node starts to run REALLY SLOW. No explanation.
What we desire is a cluster which does not depend on any of the nodes, and
is valid with any one node and the Quorum disk.
We are trying to verify if the following would be valid:
Node1 0 Vote
Node2 0 Vote
Node3 0 Vote
Node(n) 0 Vote
Quorum 1 Vote
Things to consider, if the SAN fabric stay up, and the LANC (Cluster
Interconnect) goes away do we end up with a split cluster with the members
still running, or is the quorum access sophisticated enough, and the SCSI PR
prevent this from happening.
Also does anyone have an idea, why if we take votes away the cluster member
goes into go slow mode. Actual execution is fine, it is instantiation which
seems to be the killer. The first to do an ls, ps, or df, etc can take 5-15
seconds on a unloaded dual 1GHZ ES-45 with 4GB RAM!
I will summarise.
> Guy R. Loucks
> Senior Unix Systems Administrator
> Networks Branch
> NSW Department of Education & Training
> Information Technology Bureau
> Direct +61 2 9942 9887
> Fax +61 2 9942 9600
> Mobile +61 (0)429 041 186
> Email guy.loucks_at_det.nsw.edu.au
Received on Wed Jul 24 2002 - 00:45:34 NZST