Our users been experiencing dropped [database] connections to one of our Alpha
servers (4.0g, no patches). We notice lots of errors (see below). We've tried
swapping the cable and to the other ethernet port (DS10 w/ dual onboard ports).
Does this sound like a h/w problem? Maybe at the switch port?
tu1 Ethernet counters at Wed Jul 24 15:31:49 2002
61223 seconds since last zeroed
88449480 bytes received
185968374 bytes sent
597017 data blocks received
523581 data blocks sent
13156391 multicast bytes received
110440 multicast blocks received
12383 multicast bytes sent
209 multicast blocks sent
0 blocks sent, initially deferred
0 blocks sent, single collision
0 blocks sent, multiple collisions
0 send failures
0 collision detect check failure
572 receive failures, reasons include:
Block check error
Framing Error
0 unrecognized frame destination
0 data overruns
0 system buffer unavailable
0 user buffer unavailable
Received on Wed Jul 24 2002 - 21:54:44 NZST