LSM problem

From: Ogutcen, Ramazan <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:11:23 +0300

Hi Gurus;

There is a problem on LSM.
May server OS is 5.1 and hardware is GS320.

The problem like the following;

lsm:voldisk: ERROR: Device dsk10: clearimport failed:
        Disk is not usable

dsk10 disk is a snapshot or BCV of a data disk.
We want to clear host information and import the disk to the another host.
Everytime we have done this but now there is an error like the above.

Can you help me about this topic?

Thanks f

Ramazan Ögütçen
IS-TIM Telekomünikasyon Hizmetleri A.S.
Aria/IT Department

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Blom []
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 12:38 PM
Subject: SUMMARY:Definitive view on the various raid levels

I want to thank the many people who answered this call.
The vast number of the replies was overwhelming and most people went to
great lengths to give the whys and wherefores.

Thanks to you all.

In Summary. Raid 0+1 is the best in terms of performance /$

Wayne blom
Systems Specialist
Mayne Group IT

S-mail: Building D, 75-83 Hardys Rd, Underdale SA 5032
Ear-mail: 0419808496

Hi all,
I have so far read 3 different versions on the best type of raid level to
(differs amongst us here as well) So I thought I would give all you great
people a chance to throw in your 2cents worth.

a- Raid level 0 - Stiping no redundancy. Cost Best, Availability poor,
Performance Good

b - Raid level 1 - Mirroring - Cost Expensive, Availability Excellent,
Performance good for reads poor for writes.

c - Raid level 0 + 1 - Striping with mirroring - Cost Expensive,
Excellent, Performance Best

d - Raid level 3,4,5 - Variations on Striping with redundant disk - Cost
good, Availability Good, Performance Good

e - Raid level 5 - Striping with xor across all disks - Cost good,
Availability good, Performance moderate.

There are other levels but I would rate raid 5 as the best performance but
not according to the information above.

What other opinions are there? What do you recommend as the BEST PERFORMANCE
raid with at least good availability?

Wayne Blom
Systems Specialist
Mayne Group IT

S-mail: Building D, 75-83 Hardys Rd, Underdale SA 5032
Ear-mail: 0419808496

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