I'm having this weird problem - I just upgraded java from 1.3.1-1 to
1.3.1-3 and now I can't start Oracle App Server (apache 1.3.9). I get
the following error in the apache error_log:
Syntax error on line 208 of /oraappl/od-nbs/a155ptch/a155ptchora/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/httpds.conf:
Cannot load /oraappl/od-nbs/a155ptch/a155ptchora/iAS/Apache/Apache/libexec/mod_mmap_static.so into server: dlopen:
libjvm.so: symbol "jrint" unresolved
If I change the config to remove mod_mmap_static, it just give the same
error for the next module. This is on a GS160 with 5.1 pk3. The java
pkgs I have installed are:
noname.cit.nih.gov: (/usr/users/jburelba 104) % setld -i |grep -i java
JAVA131 installed Java 1.3.1-1 Environment (General Applications)
JAVAAPIDOC131 installed Java 1.3.1-3 Online API Documentation(Documentation Kit)
JAVADEV131 installed Java 1.3.1-1 Development Environment(Software Development)
JAVADOC131 installed Java 1.3.1-1 Online Documentation (Documentation Kit)
JAVAENH131 installed Java 1.3.1-1 Enhanced Environment (General Applications)
JAVAJRE122 installed Java 1.2.2-8 Standalone Runtime Environment
JAVAJREOPT122 installed Java 1.2.2-8 JRE Optional Components
OSFJAVA122510 not installed Java 1.2.2-6 Environment (General Applications)
OSFJAVA510 installed Java 1.1.8-7 Environment (General Applications)
OSFJAVADEV122510 not installed Java 1.2.2-6 Development Environment(Software Development)
OSFJAVADEV510 not installed Java 1.1.8-7 Development Environment(Software Development)
OSFJAVADOC122510 not installed Java 1.2.2-6 Online Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)
OSFJAVADOC510 not installed Java 1.1.8-7 Online Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)
Jonathan Burelbach jburelba_at_mail.nih.gov
Unix Systems Administrator jburelba_at_topaz.cit.nih.gov
NIH/CIT/DCSS/SOSB;12 South Dr.;Bldg 12B/2N207;Bethesda (301) 496-7372
Received on Wed Aug 07 2002 - 22:37:42 NZST