SUMMARY: v5.1 and patch kit 5

From: Paul Crittenden <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 09:35:02 -0500

I got no replies to my inquiry but here is how I was able to fix the problem.

Last Saturday I installed the patch kit again and rebuilt the kernel. When
I tried to reboot the server the same problem occurred. The system would
get to what appeared to be starting CDE and then fail and reboot. After
calling HP service and sending them my crash files they determined that the
problem was a kernel memory panic. I could sort of read that as the
messages flashed by at the speed of light.

The answer was that since I was using packet filtering there was a bug
caused by patch kit 5 that caused the system to panic and reboot. As a
temporary fix on Saturday I disabled packet filtering by taking it out of
the kernel and then rebuilding it.

Unfortunately the consequences of that were that my Mac folks couldn't see
their files on the server, since CAP requires packet filtering. Also, I run
ISC's DHCP server and it also requires packet filtering so no one was able
to get IP addresses. However, at least the server was up and all of the
available patches were loaded.

The only mention of this problem was from Olle Eriksson, but it was in
reference to v5.1a not v5.1.

On Monday I was able to get the packet filtering patch from engineering. I
installed it rebuilt the kernel with packet filtering and rebooted and now
all is well.

ORIGINAL question:
>I tried to install patch kit 5 on my DS20E running Tru64-UNIX v5.1 with
patch kit >3 installed and had a couple of problems.
>1. After I had installed the kit I couldn't do a kernel build. I think
the problem >was I had gnu make installed in place of the native make file.
At least I was >able to build the kernel after I put the native make back
in place.
>2. When I tried to reboot the new kernel it would work fine until it
tried to switch >to the gui and then it would fail and reboot.
>I restored from backup to what the system was like before I installed the
patch >kit. I could do a kernel build and reboot just fine then.
>Any ideas what may be happening. I found nothing in the archives
concerning >this and Compaq/HP weren't sure what happened either.

Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College
Phone: (515)961-1680

"You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to."
Received on Tue Aug 20 2002 - 14:35:34 NZST

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