In running defragemnt -vn on some of my domains I am wanting to know
who to interpet what I am seeing. Aggregate I/O perf is at 66% here in this
example, on another server it was 82% and on another server with another
domain it is 34%. I am thinking that the lower the percentage the worse
performance, am I correct in this thinking? If not, could someone give me
an explination?
town # defragment -vn root_domain
defragment: Gathering data for domain 'root_domain'
Current domain data:
Extents: 3404
Files w/extents: 813
Avg exts per file w/exts: 4.19
Aggregate I/O perf: 66%
Free space fragments: 86
<100K <1M <10M >10M
Free space: 1% 7% 25% 66%
Fragments: 36 33 13 4
Received on Tue Aug 20 2002 - 15:00:38 NZST