SUMMARY: defragement output, how to interpet

From: Chris Bryant <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 13:29:32 -0500

Thanks to Corinne Haesaerts, Jesper Frank Nemholt, and alan for their
responses. It seems that the higher the percentange in the Aggregate I/O
perf, the better.

here are their responses:

you are correct.
here's a quote from the man page :

Aggregate I/O perf

The efficiency of the entire file domain. An increase in value indicates

Corinne Haesaerts
Technology Consultant High Performance Servers
UNIX Ambassador
Compaq Belux, now part of the New HP
You're right, the lower the worse. After a defragment you should get 100%.

Un saludo / Venlig hilsen / Regards

Jesper Frank Nemholt
Unix System Manager
Hewlett-Packard Company
        Do the manual page and AdvFS documentation offer a clue?
        I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that a higher
        aggregate % is better. I base this on comparing the
        results of my domain with yours:

# defragment -vn domain
defragment: Gathering data for domain 'domain'
  Current domain data:
    Extents: 16782
    Files w/extents: 13638
    Avg exts per file w/exts: 1.23
    Aggregate I/O perf: 97%
    Free space fragments: 3123
                     <100K <1M <10M >10M
      Free space: 1% 0% 1% 98%
      Fragments: 2924 152 29 18

        The underlying issue with defragmentation is having files
        that are contiguous; one or no extents depending how they
        count. For the files on my domain that have extents, the
        number of extents is lower than yours. I also have a higher
        aggregate I/O performance percentage. Since fewer extents
        are better and guessing that extents and aggregate % track
        each other somehow, my result suggests that higher aggregate
        % is better.

        The defragment manual page may explain the result in enough
        detail. The system admin. guide may have a chapter on AdvFS
        and AdvFS has its own documentation. Older versions put
        this documentation with the AdvFS Utilities on one of the
        Associated Product CDROMs. In recent versions it should
        be part of the base system documentation.

        If you don't have printed documentation, PDF and HTML copies
        are on the documentation CDROM.

        In running defragemnt -vn on some of my domains I am wanting to know
who to interpet what I am seeing. Aggregate I/O perf is at 66% here in this
example, on another server it was 82% and on another server with another
domain it is 34%. I am thinking that the lower the percentage the worse
performance, am I correct in this thinking? If not, could someone give me
an explination?



town # defragment -vn root_domain
defragment: Gathering data for domain 'root_domain'
  Current domain data:
    Extents: 3404
    Files w/extents: 813
    Avg exts per file w/exts: 4.19
    Aggregate I/O perf: 66%
    Free space fragments: 86
                     <100K <1M <10M >10M
      Free space: 1% 7% 25% 66%
      Fragments: 36 33 13 4
Received on Tue Aug 20 2002 - 18:31:00 NZST

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