I've got a box that I'm doing LSM mirroring of the boot disks on.
All of the standard rootdg volumes are on a single disk, which is then
software mirrored. A short while ago, this system ate itself and upon
attempting to recover it was discovered that the disk corruption had
been faithfully mirrored to both volumes in the mirror set.
What I'd like to do is be able to grab a disconnected clone of the
mirrored drive for disaster recovery use. Something similar to using
the "run clone" command on HSG80's. I'm not an LSM power user, and I
was wondering if any of you had any scripts or procedures for doing this.
An ideal situation would be if I could start this process up without
having to take the system out of multi-user mode as the system is remote
to me.
Thanks in advance,
| Tom Webster | "Funny, I've never seen it |
| SysAdmin MDA-SSD ISS-IS-HB-S&O | do THAT before...." |
| webster_at_ssdpdc.lgb.cal.boeing.com | - Any user support person |
| Unless clearly stated otherwise, all opinions are my own. |
Received on Fri Sep 06 2002 - 22:33:22 NZST