My question was:
> I have a user that cannot log onto his Tru64 5.1a system. When he logs on
> he sees the message:
> Too many users logged on already.
> Try again later.
> I have removed and re-installed his three licenses - OSF-DEV-USER, OPEN3D,
> and OSF-BASE. I have done resets in LMF. Also, I have added users with the
> same problem.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks in advance for any insight!
Dr. Blinn's response (and the fix):
In addition to the OSF-BASE license, you need a valid OSF-USER license of
some capacity.
There is a script in the /sbin/it.d/bin directory called load_usr_pak that
will create the implicit user license PAK.
If this problem still arises after you've got the OSF-BASE license PAK
loaded and you have the implicit user license PAK loaded (by running the
script as root), then you have something else wrong, possibly a bad OSF-BASE
license PAK. Try using the various "lmf list" commands. Also, there are
some files in /var/adm/lmf, notably the "LURT", that must be present or some
things won't work as expected. Check some of your other systems for the
files (on systems that are working), or go look in the /usr/.smdb. *.inv
files for the list of things that are in the kit (grep for /lmf/ in the
*.inv files). If the files are not present, you can restore them from
another system or from the base OS media.
Running the load_usr_pak fixed the problem since OSF-USER was missing.
Thanks Tom!
David Dustan
Senior Systems Engineer
Puget Sound Data Systems, Inc.
10236 E. Riverside Dr.
Bothell, WA 98011
(425) 488-0710
Received on Tue Sep 10 2002 - 22:10:37 NZST