This is not a Tru64 specific question, but bash should be widely
used under this OS!
I would like to count and compare the list of RMP between two nodes.
The bash script below (a short test script), create the list, read
it into an array and count the number of lines.
The strange thing appear at the end of the ?while? loop, the last
?printf? command always display 0 for index value!
But, inside the loop, index and RMP name are correctly displayed!
My question:
Why array data and index are lost at the end of the loop?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
#----------> For test only
declare -i RPMCNT=0 # Array index
declare -a RPMLIST # Array for RPM list
rpm -qa > $TMPFILE
cat < $TMPFILE | while true
read LINE
if [ "X$LINE" = "X" ]; then break; fi # Empty line !
let RPMCNT=RPMCNT+1 # Update index
RPMLIST[$RPMCNT]=$LINE # Update array
printf "%4i %4i %-s\n" $RPMCNT ${#RPMLIST[*]} \
printf "\nRPM count: %4i %4i\n" $RPMCNT ${#RPMLIST[*]}
if [ -f $TMPFILE ]; then rm -f $TMPFILE; fi
exit 0
Jean-Pierre Vorlet +41 26 300 7218
System Manager University of Fribourg Switzerland
Received on Thu Sep 12 2002 - 07:56:27 NZST