Thanks very much for all the replies. I have noticed that we have a
license for Mathematica. So I installed the SW on the NT.So for the time
being I solved the problem.My question is given at the end.
The following people replied and many thanks:
Peter Stern wrote:
"Well xset has to be set on the Xserver (the WNT machine) and not on the
client (the Tru64 machine running Mathematica). And, of course, you
would need the Mathematica fonts (e.g.
/usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts) on the Xserver.
Alternatively, if your Tru64 machine is running xfs (no problem to do
that - usually the default), then on a unix machine the way to add the
Mathematica fonts is to use the unix command:
command: xset fp+ tcp/Tru64_host:7100
and then maybe: xset fp rehash"
Ian Mortimer wrote:
"You need to run a font server (xfs) on one of your Tru64 hosts to serve
the fonts to X clients. The alternative is to install the fonts on
every client.
This is documented in the Mathematica installation guide.
On our 4.0F system I added this to /var/X11/fs/config:
catalogue = /usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1/
Added a startup script for xfs to /sbin/init.d and made a link
to start it in /sbin/rc3.d."
Carl Riches wrote:
"You need to set this up using the font server (xfs). Mathematica needs
some PostScript Type 1 fonts that must be rendered by the fontserver. The
fontserver uses a PostScript rendering library to provide the fonts in the
proper format for an X terminal or PC X server. Here are some snippets
from our font server configuration file:
(in the "catalog" definition)
(the "renderers" line)
renderers =;Type1RegisterFontFileFunctions,;SpeedoRegister
You then need to set up the X servers on the workstations (X terminals,
PCs, etc.) to get their fonts from the fontserver running on your TU64
Regis Carlier wrote:
I used mathematica o a Tru64 5.1 machine and There was some Pb with fonts .
The best way I had to make it use properly was to create a font server on
the machine
running mathematica . The font server ( /usr/bin/X11/fs ) ditributed the
directory with
mathematica fonts ( in the mathematica/fonts ) . On the client , I had the
fontserver in the font path
typically , if the font server is running on port 7000 , xset fp +
Rainer Wolf wrote:
I think you have to install the Mathematica - Fonts locally on your PC so
the pc-X-Server can access them. There should be a procedure for that
and from mathematice there exist some kits for those pc-based Fonts.
... maybe that helps ...
Thanks for all the replies.
> Hallo,
> I know this is NOT a Tru64 direct question. I have installed
> 4.2 on our
> Tru64 cluster. Iam running Tru64 OS version 5.1a with Patch level 2. I
> can start
> mathematica on system console. But when I start from a desktop machine
> (with Microsoft Windows NT as OS) after logging to Tru64 system I get
> following error:
> xset: bad font path element (#40), possible causes are:
> Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> Directory missing fonts.dir
> Incorrect font server address or syntax
> I tried with xset command to define the Fonts without success.
> Sorry for putting this question here.
Received on Fri Sep 20 2002 - 10:40:22 NZST