advfs quotas

From: Rodney Simioni <>
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 14:38:34 -0400

Original Question:THANKS to ALL; overall, edquota command is not
interactive, will need to write script.

I have parsed out my huge /etc/passwd file so that I have a file containing
the usernames. Now, I want to use the edquota
command so that I can set advfs quotas. The advfs manual did not indicate
setting quotas on a file containing usernames was possible. Can Advfs allow
me to set quotas on a file containing user names? I'm trying to avoid
setting quotas on many individual users separately or groups.


Create a quota for a user - we'll call him default_user.

Then do this:

for i in `cat listofnames`
        edquota -p default_user -u $i

you could do something like
awk '{system("edquota -p proto_user -u " $1)}' userfile
this runs the edquota on each user in the userfile and copies proto_user's
settings to the user.
This assumes that userfile is a file with one username per line.

How about scripting it. As the edquota man page says, set 1 user and
use that user as the template. Then set all the users in a simple
shell loop like this:

for i in `cat parsedusersfrompasswd` ; do edquota -t templateuser $i ;

Short and sweet.

Jay R. Wren
Nothing in the "edquota" reference page implies that it doesn't
expect to be interactive, but I suspect that if you made your
editor be "cat" and used the "apply a prototype allocation to
the named user" variation, you could write a script to run it
all for you.  I'd try it on a few test cases first.
If your usernames are in a file called "usernames", you can:
	#cat usernames |while read newuser; do /usr/sbin/edquota -p prueba
	So the quota of "prueba" user (a user you had created before and
has quota) is copied to all the users you have in your file "usernames".
Not exactly what you want, but I've done something similar...  On our
system, any given user's quota is dependent upon what group they're in.
So I created a prototype user for each group; dummy IDs with no real
login.  Once the prototypes are set up, it's relatively easy to change a
bunch of users or create new users using the prototype:
vedquota -p prototype -u user
This does not pop you into an editor to change values, it just makes
everything the same as the prototype user!  Put that in a script loop, and
you can do your entire userbase in a relatively short time!
Received on Wed Oct 02 2002 - 18:39:15 NZST

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