Hello Tru64-Managers,
I have written a ~2800-line Perl script which can clone a V5 cluster
with some restrictions. "clone" means completely separate disks and/or
disk partitions are configured as "alternates" for:
- member boot disks
- cluster root
- cluster var
- cluster usr
- quorum
The idea behind the script is to create a complete copy of the cluster,
which can be booted from should something happen to the "primary" cluster
disks. All cluster members must be booted from either the "primary" or
"clone" disks. They cannot be mixed.
Mostly people run the script daily from cron(8).
The script uses a configuration file to figure out what it should do.
Many of the options are optional (hmm, a tautology?).
- system disks cannot be set up using LSM.
- in general, cluster should be "well-formed", meaning no weird or wacky
things have been done to the configuration. Mostly the script can
determine if it is safe to try to clone.
- currently, the script will barf if you are using a quorum disk
to hold LSM config-DB copies.
The script tries to avoid doing destructive things to existing data. For
example, it will refuse to start a clone operation if any of the target
disks specified in the config file seem to be in use by the system
(i.e., mounted filesystems, swap areas, a quorum disk, anything in LSM).
There is a debug-mode which will prevent the script from actually doing
anything destructive, such as repartitioning a disk, or copying data.
The script is in use a various locations and seems to be pretty robust,
nevertheless I make no guarantees whatsoever that it will do anything
useful or that your data will be intact after it has run.
If anyone is interested in getting the script, (s)he should send me a mail
at <urban_at_Tru64.NOSPAM.org> (remove "NOSPAM.").
Robert Urban
Received on Tue Oct 22 2002 - 01:18:50 NZDT