Thank's to all who responded.
After verification with my local technical support, I can go ahead.
The plateform kit for tru64 didn't contain software I must have before doing my upgrade.
It was important to read the release notes at
and check for the minimal version of software or microcode.
In my case I have to pass my fiber switch to version 2.6.0c.
My HBA to 3.82a1.
My Alpha Firmware to 6.3.
4 disks require and update of microcode.
I have to install the patch kit #3 for tru64 5.1a to.
>Hi admin,
>I receive ACS 8.7 cards but I didn't receive plateform kit for tru64 because of an administrative mistake.
>Is it possible to install the ACS software without the tru64 kit?
>I know I have to install the patch kit #3 for tru64 5.1a before upgrading the ACS.
>Can you comfirm me that I didn't to wait the tru64 kit?
Received on Tue Oct 22 2002 - 12:27:53 NZDT