Summary Setting up landscape Printing

From: Ron Bramblett <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 14:50:36 -0500

Many thanks again to this list for helping. It is solved. It wasn't just
a Printcap problem but a LAT problem.
I know that LAT is old but we have a DecServer 500 that is still in use
so I set up the printer that way.

This was a combination of answers that helped me out.
Thanks to Denise McCracken answer to telnet into it and change the
orientation (didn't work I dont have a jetdirect card on it.)

Thanks to Karen R McArthur who gave me a copy of her printcap for her
printers. (My fault I have a 4si not a 5si and I don't have jet direct
card in it)

Thanks to Ernest LaBonte for suggesting that I use -olandscape in the lf
line. (Got on the right track)

SETTING UP a LAT Printer on 4.0g
    Thanks to Dr. Blinn for suggesting Read the documentation

    Thanks to Chris H. Ruhnke who gave me this line
/usr/sbin/latcp -A -p624 -H <terminal server id> -R <port id>

Thanks to Oisin McGuinness Who told me that lat setup is covered
in the Network Admin Guide (4.0f Chapeter 5, Section 5.8)

The combined answer was to latsetup a new port
    latcp command
then set up the printer for landscape printing

Original questions
I have a Alpha 2100 4.0g system and I have a HP5si printer installed. I

need to add a print queue so that I can print to this printer as
landscape. I have looked through the printcap pages and etc.

Can anyone tell me how to setup a landscape print queue??

So I guess I am asking how do I go about setting up a LAT terminal to
this printer??

Ron Bramblett
Sys Admin
Fuller Brush Company
Received on Thu Oct 24 2002 - 19:51:05 NZDT

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