Thanks to Cory Erickson, Abdul Rahiman and Chris Bryant for their replies.
Everyone suggested to change per_proc_data_size also to 8GB( maximum size of
system's memory)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tripathi, Ashish []
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:20 PM
To: ''
Subject: Out of Memory
I have a GS160 running Oracle 8.1.7.Since yesterday some of Oracle
processes are dying with the error "not enough memory".I have following
settings in the kernel for PROC subsystem parameters
max_proc_per_user = 2048
max_threads_per_user = 2048
per_proc_stack_size = 8388608
max_per_proc_stack_size = 33554432
per_proc_data_size = 134217728
max_per_proc_data_size = 8589934592
max_per_proc_address_space = 8589934592
per_proc_address_space = 8589934592
As you can see max_per_proc_data_size is almost 8GB(equal to size of system
memory) but per_proc_data_size is 134MB.Do I need to increase this
parameters also to 8GB?
Please advise.
Ashish Tripathi
Received on Wed Oct 30 2002 - 19:05:14 NZDT