Hi again Managers,
Thanks to all who replied. Unfortunately, for those who were waiting for
my summary to get an awnser to their own questions about it, I don't have
good news! Here is the awnser I got from Dr. Thomas Blinn of HP:
"In a word, no. What you see is what there is. Given that it is very
unlikely to change at any time in the future, you might want to just write
your own script to extract the data you need and produce the report you
want from the outputs that are available.
Sorry that it's not more useful than it is. Unfortunately, it seems the
investment strategy for vdump and vrestore has been to assume that
customers who want sophisticated backup support will purchase a product
like Networker and not depend on vdump and vrestore, so the native standard
vdump and vrestore utilities are simply not feature rich."
See below for my original post...
Benoît Audet
Spécialiste en infrastructure
EDS Canada (Projet Gires)
1500 Jean-Talon Nord
Québec (QC) G1N 2E5
418.527.1145 ext.224
Que serait la vie sans le parachutisme?
Vive l'été! 8^)
----- Réacheminé par Benoit Audet/EDSGIRES le 20/11/2002 02:50 PM -----
m Pour : tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov
Envoyé par : cc :
tru64-unix-managers-owne Objet : See savesets on tapes
20/11/2002 10:38 AM
Hi admins,
I've brosed through man pages and on the web to find out a way to have a
short summary of savesets present on a tape and I didn't find it.
For an example, I found that:
vrestore -l -> lists too much information defiling on the screen, seems
to be useless;
vrestore -t -> seems only to lists files present in a particular saveset
(and it's slow);
mt fsf N -> allows positionning at the saveset number "N" on the
But is there a command or a way to have a listing looking like this:
Saveset 1: Date: Nov 18 2002, Filesystem: /usr
Saveset 2: Date: Nov 18 2002, Filesystem: /var
Saveset 3: Date: Nov 19 2002, Filesystem: /usr
Or something close to this?
Thank you and, of course, I will summarise!
Benoît Audet
Spécialiste en infrastructure
EDS Canada (Projet Gires)
1500 Jean-Talon Nord
Québec (QC) G1N 2E5
418.527.1145 ext.224
Que serait la vie sans le parachutisme?
Vive l'été! 8^)
Received on Wed Nov 20 2002 - 19:55:07 NZDT