More info: LSM won't start after 5.1 upgrade, illegal vminor enc ountered

From: McCracken, Denise <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 01:38:33 -0700

        I ended up starting over with LSM, but I still have a serious
problem that is looking like a bug. I did a new volsetup, forced it to
create a new configuration and all was well...for a while.

        I encapsulated the root volumes and mirrored them, then set up
another dg and mirrored it. I restored a filesystem and rebooted the box,
twice, in fact, and all was well. After I applied patch kit 3, however, the
machine didn't come back up. At the console, there were some messages like

illegal vminor encountered
filesystem had unexpected consistency
/dev/rvol/rootdg/usrvol (/usr)
/dev/vol/sqdg/sqvol (/sunquest)

        and the system came up in single-user mode.

        We tried booting the old kernel, booting the other side of the
mirror, and running lsmbstartup by hand, and all gave the same result. As I
had tested this on other machines, I can't understand what is going on here.
Because I set up LSM from scratch, I don't think I could have done anything

Any ideas? If this could be a hardware problem, I would want to know that


Denise McCracken
MiSys Healthcare Systems
(520) 570-2521
Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 08:33:55 NZDT

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