SUMMARY: Vdump exceed tape size - Vdump on more volume

From: Emilio Sergi <>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 14:56:23 +0100

Thanks to Thomas Blinn; his suggestion solve the two questions:

 " If vdump does run out of tape space, it will rewind the tape and ask for
another one by interacting with the operator, but if it can't open /dev/tty
(e.g., it's running in a cron job) then it will abort the backup, and the
messages are very obvious. "

...i misinterpreted the "Rewinding tape" message in the vdump log: i
dont'use the -N parameter in the vdump command, then, at the dump's end, the
system rewind the tape.

Also thanks to Werner Rost

Received on Fri Feb 07 2003 - 13:57:29 NZDT

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