Thanks to Dr. Thomas Blinn for his response.
Compare the "vmstat -P" outputs. Memory management on the GS140 is quite
different from that on the GS160 -- a typical GS160 will have more than one
"rad" (resource affinity domain), and there are a number of kernel data
structures that are replicated into every rad in the system; I'd also
compare the total physical memory, the amount that the kernel uses is often
more in a large memory configuration.
All of that said, there is not much you can do about this, so don't spend a
lot of energy worrying about it. Unless you are running most of the time
with no free memory and a relatively high paging rate it doesn't matter if
the kernel uses the memory for its own purposes.
Thanks again
Chris Bryant
UNIX adminstrator
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
I have a question about my kernel idle process. When I do a ps aux
| grep idle I get the following
root 0 7.0 3.4 81.5G 2.2G ?? R < Jan 15
3-22:02:23 [kernel idle]
The RSS seems high at 2.2G. This is running on a GS160 with 16
processor and 64 GB of memory running 5.1. I check a GS140 system running
5.1 and the RSS was only 682M. Can anyone shed some more light on this? I
will summarize.
Chris Bryant
Unix Administrator
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
Received on Mon Feb 17 2003 - 20:40:25 NZDT